Monday, November 23, 2009

before and after weghtlifting

I want to prove to everybody my technique on how to get extremely ripped in 30 days.
No this is not another bull crap article with a link at the bottom for you to click which will direct you to a spot to spend your money on. this is just my continual updates throughout a months time with before and after pictures, my workout routine, and proof that what I do works.

I used to be an extremely devoted weightlifter. Then a lot of things happened in my life where I wasn't able to give the time and effort to it for a while. Now that I'm older and have the time, I want to share with everyone my routine and the proof that it works! But you better believe that if you want to get results like this, you better be ready to go through extreme aches and pains, changes in how society views and responds to you, and your performance in all walks of your life.

weightlifting is a truly life altering devotion that will change everything about the person you are today. whether you already weight lift and are looking for something new, or you just want to pack on that bit of extra muscle to pick that girl up you've been eyeing for the past week but the only thing you can utter to her as she walks bye is a crackly "wwwaaatzzz uppp"... this will give you the confidence you need buddy :)

trust me, this isn't anything special, and it's most likely stuff you've herd of before. It's just a matter of getting off you're lazy ass and Just Doing It!